What we do / System Development
System Development
Gritera contributes with strong expertise in system development, with a focus on solving the customer's needs with the most suitable tools we have available. We offer technical resources within, among other things, cloud and platform, development, technology and team management as well as DevOps as our core areas.

System development as a pillar
All strategies, be they major changes in direction or technological advances into the future, need system development to be realised. Whether it is tailoring from bottom to top, or off-the-shelf solutions with technical integrations between them, the deliveries must be developed, quality assured and tested to ensure that they meet the needs of the business in a good way.
Our philosophy for development is to enter the process with an open mind and be agnostic in approach to language and technical platform. There is no one tool that can solve all problems and it is important to choose the right technology to solve the challenge.
Quality and integrity are central to the way we deliver our development services, and we believe that investing in testing and verification from the start is an investment in a safer and more stable future for the product being developed.
Perhaps you are in a transition phase between larger technology strategies. Our developers understand the need to ensure continuity in daily operations while modernizing and creating new solutions that solve the challenges of the future.
Some services we offer within System development
It can be difficult to lift your technical platform from a traditional on-site or co-located environment to the cloud. We can help with this journey in investigation, planning and implementation:
- Platform strategy
- Platform and infrastructure architecture
- Cloud migration
- Target picture, gap analysis and roadmap
Our developers provide many years of experience with the development of professional applications and support systems in a myriad of different compositions. We can contribute with the specification and development of functional needs at several levels in the stack, from complex business rules and the processing of large amounts of data to user-oriented interfaces built with modern technologies.
- Backend and data processing
- Frontend and visualization
- Integrations between internal and external systems
- API Design and Microservice Architectures
Technology and team management
We can contribute with management in the customer's deliveries, through forward-leaning consultants with a developer background. We adapt to and contribute to the design of flexible methodologies, as well as provide a technological overview and advice for major changes in direction on the technology side.
- Agile team management
- Tech lead
- System architecture
DevOps is a central part of agile deliveries, but it can be difficult to find the way from cyclical, fixed delivery models to agile continuous deliveries of rapidly changing software. It is often not done in the blink of an eye and we have extensive experience in building these transitions step by step.
- Introduction of DevOps in organizations
- CI/CD and continuous delivery models
- Development and design of pipelines for the automation of processes
- Build and deploy software
- Introduction of SDL (Secure Development Lifecycle) for security-critical services
- Automation of quality assurance, testing, checklists and production setting
Contact us!
Feel free to contact the head of Gritera Code, Eirik W. Talberg, who is a developer and architect with many years of experience from mission-critical systems in the public and private sector.