Who we are / Profile

Eirik Talberg

Senior Manager

Leader and co-founder of Gritera Code, technical architect with long developer experience and with a great enthusiasm for quality.

Eirik Talberg

Main experience

Eirik has nine years of technical experience across many different domains in the private and public sector. He is a Java &  Python developer and technical architect within business critical systems, orchestration platforms and automated deliveries. Eirik has for the past few years worked on implementation and migration of a custom Kubernetes platform and laid the groundwork for a longer modernization process within health care. 

One of Eiriks strengths is working on solutions in a larger picture, where understanding how services and processes interact with each other, the core business and users being central to securing a high quality and correct implementation. As an experienced developer, he considers supporting and guiding the people around him to be of high importance. 

 As a person, Eirik is engaged, analytical and driven. He dives deep into a given problem and seeks answers from the environment and people around him. He is used to working in the cross-section between business and development, with a good ability to secure decisions on important aspects to ensure continued progress.

Key competence

  • Systems architecture
  • Solution architecture
  • Backend development
  • Automation
  • Team leadership