Work with us

Join us in building a dream home for Norway's best management and technology advisors

Value promise

  • Freedom and confidence to be able to prioritize one's own time within projects and competence building

  • Fair compensation for your expertise and efforts

  • Absence of bureaucracy

  • Access to exciting projects

  • Membership in a community with other skilled consultants

  • Opportunity to influence the building of the dream home for skilled consultants

  • Opportunity to be an independent advisor who has full focus on the best for the customer

  • Opportunity to market your expertise and experience

The best of two worlds


We will offer better compensation than in traditional consulting companies and greater financial security than as an independent consultant. In Gritera, we also have an open and fair salary policy where everyone in the company can see what everyone earns. This transparency should contribute to a fair salary and counteract any form of discrimination


  • You can choose freely between models with different focus on financial security, freedom of choice or reward

  • You receive full social rights (social security, leave, redundancy, etc.)

  • You have all the usual financial employee benefits

    • Insurance (Liability, occupational injury, health insurance and travel insurance)
    • 4% defined contribution pension
    • Care allowance, sickness allowance and other paid leave coverage up to 9G
    • Compentency building
    • Laptop, mobile, mobile subscription and other basic equipment for the home office
    • Financing of "Workations" which are a mixture of holiday and work

Compensation models

As a Gritera employee, you have full freedom of choice among the compensation models. Permanent employees can choose between Secure, Balanced and Freedom. After choosing a compensation model, employees can also switch to model another later.

In addition to receiving fixed salary and bonus salary dependent on personal invoicing as mentioned below per model, the Gritera-advisors can also receive sales- and recruitment bonuses when contributing in these respective areas.

Gritera takes the full cost of employer contribution and pension expenses regardless of compensation model, so in no way is this "baked into" the salaries mentioned below.



With Secure, you get a fixed salary in all its simplicity - the same amount into the account every month. As a permanent employee, you receive a pension, good insurance and holiday pay. Employees with 4-7 years of experience will have a total salary of between 0.98 and 1.2 MNOK and employees with more than 8 years of experience will have a total salary of between 1.25 and 1.31 MNOK.



With Balanced, you get a fixed salary in addition to a bonus consisting of 28-33% (depends on experience level) of your invoicing. The fixed salary ensures that you always have enough to pay your bills, and the commission ensures you a fair share of your earnings. Employees with 4-7 years of experience will typically have a total salary of between 1.28 and 1.56 MNOK and employees with more than 8 years of experience will typically have a total salary of between 1.68 and 1.83 MNOK when working in full time position. About half of the total salary will be a fixed salary that is completely independent of your invoicing rate.



With Freedom, your salary will depend on how much you work and how attractive your competence is perceived in the market for the projects you take on. Put simply: The salary will be calculated as 63-67% (depends on experience level) of your personal invoicing. Employees with 4-7 years of experience will typically have a total salary of between 1.5 and 1.8 MNOK and employees with more than 8 years of experience will typically have a total salary of between 1.8 and 2.1 MNOK when working in full time position.